Friday, June 02, 2006


I think you should be very careful. Even one step in the wrong direction might prejudice them against you irreversibly. And then there is no telling what would happen. Nor would it be any consolation to have the story told. As stories go, surely there is one that is superior. But what stands over you now is the perpetual dilemma. Rest assured of this - whatever choice you make will be the wrong one. It gives me such satisfaction to dispel your doubts. I can do no better. You can, but you won't. You will stay in this spot. When you move, so will the poser... You are framed by the light. It falters a little. And you do not? Do you not see me shake my head? I am anxious for you. That you will get things right at last, in error. And there is no telling what will happen then. You will be by yourself, for sure. All my words dispelled. But that will not be the end, no, not then. The light will arrive, and dazzle the dilemma. The stories will be told, in their own happy words. Steps will be taken, in perfect assurance. A choice will be made, and not by you. No, never by you.


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