Wednesday, March 24, 2010

After the Night

Say hush in the furred mind. May the wise one don the fool's garb (for a while). Clutch the wall. Say, confused...

Envy the half-formed ones their ordinary happiness. Be ashamed.


Because the moon is black; oh, you
are made of green sense.


My eyes, my poor eyes. To see the whole sorry world inflict itself upon them.

They gape, they blanch. They will see the whole, and nothing but the whole.

Pieces of darkness, in the mind's fond recesses. But the eyes do not blink.

Open, smart from semblance. To seal the world within.

Friday, March 19, 2010


It's the new thing, you see. They're crazy about it.

Is it a game? Is it a dare? Is it the truth? Is it a dog? Is it a boon? Is it the earth? Is it a song? Is it your dream? Is it a question? Is it the moon? Is it your mouth? Is it a hole? Is it a word?

Is it a rattle? It is a rattle.


Mano a mano (Man against Man). We wear our marks with pride.

But to see our dreams contend - now that is painful.

They have swollen heads, and their eyes, their eyes are elsewhere... Enter. The ring. Round 1. And around one. Rhymes - two versus two.

What? Yes, it's over, yes, it's just begun. Is there a match on?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Planning and Execution

Logical. Chronological.

Draw lines from one to the other. Let them flow.

Flow like time. (You're caught in it.)

See them now? They have you in their sights.

"Planning" and "Execution". One's right, the next one's right.

Begone, be done with it. Say thanks for nothing new.

The plan's been executed, it's nothing now.

And then these lines we think.

Where must the flow go to?

Backward, all backward.


Not wisdom, exactly. But words...

Speaking Plainly

When I was young, I spoke plainly. Younger, I did not speak at all.

Things became clear, and still clearer... And then there was nothing at all.

Monday, March 15, 2010

(Oddly dense, and oddly vacant)



Oddly dense. And oddly vacant...

In my head, it's in my head.


The revivifying

Friday, March 12, 2010


Sea uncle traces beneath whin
whether the scrambled cabbage burned aloft
or it twirled tender lap inanely in



John Prynne, Syntacticist

What is intellectual, is old and dearly dull.
When he is deft, we are not deceived.
Touched by the lyrical, light fantastical.
Scorned by the wooden word, formed in need.

The Message

"And now what Julius says..."

That is all I caught.

The message has escaped. Search for it near the river! Search for it in the loch!

O Julius, Julius, wherefore art thou Julius?

Julius is a cat. A cat with seven lives.

Julius is a king. (A cat may be a king.)

Julius, mon frere. Wherefore art thou, Julius?

Julius has escaped! Search for him near the river, search for him in the loch...

Search for him in the mind. (With its complicity.)

Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Hierarchy


In Passing

"For people are only marginally themselves."

- Mark Strand, "Dog Life"






Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Looking for possibility... It is not here, there or anywhere. It is not in hiding, nor is it in plain sight. It is not on the fringes, nor is it beyond the fringes. It is not, it simply is not.

Is it on the horizon? Surely it is on the horizon?

There is a speck on the horizon. But it's not possibility.

We have not lost it, because we never had it. We are not disappointed, because we never hoped for it. We cannot look for it, because we do not know how it looks.

This is all clear, clear as the impossible day...

For getting started depends on possibility. We can never get started now, and here we are in the middle.